Sunday, April 29, 2012

Mercedes Benz C63 AMG Black Series

One of my, if not my favorite car on the market today. It looks menacing, the name sounds dangerous and the sound…. It sounds like Zeus himself filled the tail pipes with rumbling thunder. Made to enjoy driving, it might look a German touring car and have a stiffened rear axle for better handling but it still rides comfortable, but might not be too safe as I discuss later. They took luxuries like SAT NAV out, electronic seats and rear seats for weight but this car is not for the kids in the back. Made to work every day for you and maybe a guest when you so chose but it’s about the enjoyment of driving. Bikers go out on the roads just for a ride and not many cars have encouraged this for a while, and Mercedes have given it a great attempt with the C63 Black. It is not made to be fast and fun as AMG played around and pumped up the 6.3 V8 to produce 510 horse power and it looks like they put some thought into the sound being produced because it is a thing of beauty.  Limited to 155 and 0-60 take 4.2 which is not lightning quick but fast enough and Mercedes didn’t dare make it any quicker. When purchasing this car you are given a letter from AMG warning you that this car is aggressive and lively through corners at even half throttle, the traction control must stay on… when did you ever hear of a car company issuing warning letters with purchases. This is a serious piece of machinery and not made for posers but real drivers. A crazy car and its bigger brother is even more nuts.
I added a video of the CL Black in action that i found online to show the amazing sound produced.

I do not not own or claim to own this video.

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