Thursday, May 3, 2012

Citroën C8

The family cars of family cars have come from the French in the form of the C8. When buying a car to transport your family you want; Safety, affordability, reliability, multiple uses, tough and finally if you can, a respectable looking car. Well Citroën has delivered in all areas with the C8 that I think sets the car apart from all its competitors. It received full marks in all of the safety tests and crashes the car was put through before being released to the public. The affordability is in not only th eintial price which is just under 20k, but 2.2 HDI engine that gives the people carrier 126hp to play with an average of 32mpg so don’t expect to be constantly at the pump. By putting a strong, simple Diesel engine in the C8 they have improved the torque to help carry all the family up steep hills as the car can certainly get heavy on a journey, but the diesel engine is extremely reliable which matters when having to pick the kids up from school or soccer practice. The interior is not expensive leather but a durable material that can take a beating and be cleaned whilst looking good and being comfortable. The storage areas seem to be endless and we all know kids break stuff and make a mess so many of the moveable objects in the car can be easily removed and even replaced for cheap too. The C8 does not look too bad from the outside either. A nice smooth clean shape that looks more than good enough to show up to work in without being embarrassed, but I think the thing that I really like is the space. There is just so much air in the C8 that even if the kids are arguing in the back they can easily be separated and have peace restored. The back seats are removable, and also lay almost flat to help with packing for family holidays or anything else you might imagine needing to carry. The C8 is a solid and impressive car for the money and really does stand out for me as the best family car out there.

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