Sunday, April 29, 2012

Mercedes Benz C63 AMG Black Series

One of my, if not my favorite car on the market today. It looks menacing, the name sounds dangerous and the sound…. It sounds like Zeus himself filled the tail pipes with rumbling thunder. Made to enjoy driving, it might look a German touring car and have a stiffened rear axle for better handling but it still rides comfortable, but might not be too safe as I discuss later. They took luxuries like SAT NAV out, electronic seats and rear seats for weight but this car is not for the kids in the back. Made to work every day for you and maybe a guest when you so chose but it’s about the enjoyment of driving. Bikers go out on the roads just for a ride and not many cars have encouraged this for a while, and Mercedes have given it a great attempt with the C63 Black. It is not made to be fast and fun as AMG played around and pumped up the 6.3 V8 to produce 510 horse power and it looks like they put some thought into the sound being produced because it is a thing of beauty.  Limited to 155 and 0-60 take 4.2 which is not lightning quick but fast enough and Mercedes didn’t dare make it any quicker. When purchasing this car you are given a letter from AMG warning you that this car is aggressive and lively through corners at even half throttle, the traction control must stay on… when did you ever hear of a car company issuing warning letters with purchases. This is a serious piece of machinery and not made for posers but real drivers. A crazy car and its bigger brother is even more nuts.
I added a video of the CL Black in action that i found online to show the amazing sound produced.

I do not not own or claim to own this video.

Audi R8

When Audi brought out the R8 it was shortly after they had just purchased the Italian car company Lamborghini and had something to prove. Audi was not known for creating supercars but had secretly been working on the development and release of the first high end sports car to compete with the names such as Ferrari and Lamborghini. The first R8 was a hudge success as they intelligently priced the car just underneath the competitors to try and steal a few sales. Well the R8 has developed and is known as a user friendly, precise and enjoyable sports car that looks great. The V10 edition is my favorite as the R8 line has improved so have the figures. Producing 525 horses from the 5.2 V10 in an enjoyable and fun way that any driver can use while feeling safe and secure that the car is not out to kill you like such cars as TVR. The figures are all solid 196mph and 0-60 in 3.5 seconds which is all great but, I really like this car but feel it is not a Ferrari and Lamborghini standard, and maybe that is why the price stayed in the range of the Corvette and the Aston Martin vantage. This car is not here to rip the skin off your face around a race track even though it can certainly perform there. This car is to look great, sound great, feel great using it every day. Audi made sure that this sports car could fit golf clubs in the trunk or a suitcase for weekend escapes. It was made to have the performance of a real racer but be driven at the speed limit down Hollywood boulevard so everybody can see you and what a car to be seen in.

Ford GT40 04-06

Not many Americans realize the iconic nature of the original GT40 so when the new model was re-released many cars ended up over seas. The original car was built to win long distance races and defeat giants. From 66-69 the GT40 won the LeMans 24hour race four times in a row stopping Ferrari cold in its tracks of dominance as they had won the previous 6 LeMans. The MK1 chassis on the GT40 is still the only American made chassis to win the world famous race. So when ford decided to re-create this legend there was a lot of pressure on Ford to produce, and live up to the history. Placing a V8 in the car at 90 degree followed the center of gravity theory paved by the F40 but this V8 would have a 5.4 engine behind it producing 102bhp per liter. They used a naturally aspirated engine to reduce and turbo lag, creating a 550hp machine. A top speed of 205 and getting there was certainly quick enough, 0-60 in 3.3 and on to 100 in 7.8. The re-made GT40 is a lot bigger than the original and does not have the original iconic 40inch height hence the name but the styling was kept true in the most part. I feel the Ford management played it safe and probably smart by not releasing this car and entering it into any race series directly from Ford. Some owners and race teams have raced the GT in a couple races but as long as Ford are not directly linked or own the cars I think they have escaped competing with the 4 times LeMans history. A power house of a car brought back more in respect of the original than to improve or even compete with the authentic 40 inch tall Detroit racer.

Ferrari F40

When most people think about Ferrari they think Formula 1, they think southern Italy in a shining new 430 driving around the streets of Monaco. For many gear-heads they have one Ferrari that they think of…the F40. It is one of the cars that really embodies the scudirea purpose, in the Ferrari line up. Scudirea is the Italian word used for the stables saved for the racing horses. Its Ferrari’s racing diving which also run the F1 team and has been since the 1930’s. The F40 is pure racing, pure speed and performance. No luxuries were put on the F40 it was covered from bumper to bumper in carbon-fiber in days when it was a space aged material. They did anything to keep this car light-weight without losing anything. The F40 changed super cars for ever after they mid-mounted the V8 at a 90 degree angle for a greater center of gravity with meant they could centralize a lot of the heavier parts of the engine such as the gearbox. They Also decided to use a V8 instead of the up coming V12 which weighed more, and focused their efforts on having a high power to weight ratio. The 3.0 V8 produced 480hp which in todays terms do not seem a lot but when the car was so light and behind the V8 was a massive Twin Turbo that according to Jeremy Clarkson; “hits you like a cricket bat across the back of the head.”
The top speed was at the time a record breaking 201 mph, the first road car in the 200 mile per hour club. Jumping from 0-60 in 3.5 and 0-100 in just 8.2 this thing was moving. So what do you have to pay for a Ferrari F40 today that was the first in the 200 club, changed the focus for center of gravity, first car to put space aged materials everywhere, and just gives you a raw racing experience? Well when these rare cars do come up for sell be prepared to pay over 1 million US dollars for this collectable. Not many people get to see these beasts and less will ever get to experience it.

I do not own, or claim to own this picture. No copy right intended.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Porsche 911 GT3

It seems only right to go from one hardcore modification to another. For years the Porsche line has created new 911’s then created different levels of the model starting with the standard 911 which is designed for everyday use, and up to the hardened GT3 designed for serious drivers looking to attend track days. Porsche take the standard 911 and follow a similar path as the M3 GTS in losing all the luxuries and any excess weight. Then replacing them with a roll cage to help stiffen then frame for handling and safety reasons. Top of the range lightweight buckets seats with a 3 point safety harness, lashing of carbon fibre, plastic side and rear windows, no back seats, certainly no heavy automatic gear box, titanium alloy wheels, slick tires, more aggressive suspension set up, and Porsche will do all of this for roughly $150,000. Less is more in this case. The engine is no longer the 3.8 but a new 4.0 engine producing 493 horses and a 3.6 0-60 time along with a top speed of 193mph, you can say this car can perform. Even whilst upgrading to a bigger engine Porsche managed to save 10kilos from the standard 911. By not using any Turbo’s or superchargers not only did Porsche save weight, but performance. It is a known fact that if you let the revs dip below about 3500 revs then you will experience turbo lag. For those who don’t know what this is, when a car with a turbo is driving anything under roughly 3500-4000 revs you are just using the engine and the turbo is inactive. Meaning the engine is not at its full performance level. Once the acquired revs are reached the turbo kicks in and the difference in acceleration is clear. When you are racing you want the turbo to constantly be firing to give you the most speed and power possible so when the turbo is in active and getting ready to be used, you are losing time. By keeping his 4.0 naturally aspirated at no point does the engines performance ever fall off, so the driver does not have to work as hard for the lap times and does not have to worry about when the turbo will kick in part the way around a corner causing a big problem. Porsche and its test drivers claim that this is the best GT3 yet and promise buyers won’t regret it...and I am not doubting the geniuses at Porsche for a second.


This is a newly released present from the M division at BMW. As if the M3 was not a great car to begin with the boys and their toys have been putting in extra work make this hardcore GTS. They did this upgrade with the old 06’ model and finally did it to the 12’. Losing the comforts for weight to power ratio they took everything you can imagine, and just like the 06 GTS are so serious about this...the bottom of the trunk is card board. Stiff suspension, harsher gear changes, ferocious acceleration is promised, but not much is known about this car yet. BMW have kept the full performance figures secret until the full release later this year but they let us know it means business. Boring out the 4.0 litre engine to a 4.4 and increased the power from 414hp to 444 whilst still saving weight. They chose not reveal how much weight was removed but when things like leather electronic seats, radio, floor mats and glass rear windows you can imagine it is going to be a surprising amount. Again slick tires will be standard on the GTS along with signing a weaver to show that the owner understands that the tires will not work in cold or wet conditions and that this is a serious driving machine that could kill you. Last time we saw anything like this was on the Black series from BMW which did not dis-appoint. I am looking forward to hearing the reviews of this new M creation. Now luckily my friend works for a high end car dealership which have a GTS all ready in stock and was kind enough to take some pictures for me. Hopefully you enjoy.

Bentley Continental Flying Spur

This is the GT’s big brother and the daddy of its class if you ask me. Not only does it look incredible but no expense was spared when it came to comfort and performance. Even though it is not made for speed this bad boy can certainly put it down if needed. Going 0-60 in 4.5seconds, and on to 200mph without a thought from the 600hp W12. It is a serious but in my view for most people this car is not bought to be driven but driven in. 70% of flying spur buyers will have a personal driver which can also be arranged from the Bentley dealer when buying and this is a shame.  Bentley really have created a great car and found a niche. It is more expensive than the Mercedes S class, but cheaper than the Rolls Royce Phantom. Money is not a worry again for these buyers with a second hand model still costing $200,000 plus, so 17mpg won’t bother the owners that much. Bentley put a lot of attention in the back seats as so many people will buy to be driven. All you could need top of the range media systems with satellite TV, custom leather seats which can recline like a lazy boy and have plenty of head room for even the tallest of passengers. Sound proofed windows and panelling ensure maximum comfort during your journey, whilst everybody outside is left behind listening to that W12 grumble. Certainly one of my favourite cars and would be on my “to buy list”, if I had a quarter of a million to spend.

Bentley Continental GT

In Britain when you think of the Continental GT you cannot help but follow it with the words “Footballers wife”(soccer). Celebrities all across Britain and USA choose to drive this car as it just oozes everything they want said about most of them; Stylish, money, class, good looking, famous and that is just the power of the Bentley badge before actually looking at the GT which is in its own right a great Grand Tourer (GT). This is certainly not a lightweight sports car but a high speed W12, twin turbo charged lounge. Its needs that big W12 engine to make this fat boy, 2 ton car move the way it does. It might be fat but this is still a 204mph, 0-60 in 3.7 second piece of luxury producing 621bhp. This car was made for driving from the south of France to the great Lakes of Italy, or in the US from Hollywood to Las Vegas. To purchase one of these dream machines you would need to be willing to pay on the plus side of $200,000. These cars are known for being comfortable and great handling with the AWD system to keep the power working. It is a big car but reportedly it would be tough to tell that just from driving. It is certainly a great car but if I had that kind of money to spend on a GT it would not be my first choice.

Corvette C6 Z06

This is an iconic American car that is recognized around the world when you show people a picture. Famous for its power but not for its handling the boys in the garages have been making some serious improvements to the new Z06. On top of improving the raw figures such as the 504hp rocketing the car 0-60 in 3.8 seconds, and on to 200mph the speed is ever more present, but now the car handles like it was meant to. You can tell Corvettes intentions of making a drivers car when they made this car only available in a 6 speed manual. It’s not for posers and people looking for an easy drive. They want people to really enjoy the engineering and performance which they have worked so hard to achieve, whilst slamming through the gear box and feeling the kick of each gear change. Not only did they change suspension and chassis for better handling but corvette took the power to weight ratio very serious saving weight when they could and lashing the car in carbon-fiber and in some places high strength plastic, which results in the car only weighing just under 1.4 tons. American muscle cars are slowly trying to lose the old reputation for not being able to handle corners and this Z06 is another big step forward in eradicating that reputation.

Caterham Super seven

Catherham is a small British car company that specialize in a service call “KIT” cars. To make it simple you can either buy the car as parts and enjoy building the car yourself or buy the car fully assembled ready to go. The company was created by Collin Chapman in the 50’s and his business is stronger than ever. The raw performance of this lightweight car is almost impossible to match for the money. The power to weight ratio is almost 500hp per ton as the super seven only weights in at 531kg which to men could pick up with relative ease. Combined with the 2.0 liter engine producing 263 horses the super seven will fire you from 0-60 in just 2.8 seconds. That’s super bike territory. The top speed is only 150mph but the super seven is more about high speed cornering and acceleration as the standard sticky slick tires portray. The main reason people are buying these cars is for two reasons; one is a track day car. They pay $300 at a race track and can put the car through its paces until the sun goes down. The second option is to go for a fun Sunday drive to enjoy the weather and a wonderful piece of engineering. This is not an everyday car so driving it to work everyday is most likely not going to be the most efficient thing but parking it in the company parking would certainly get some attention from time to time. It may only be a small company that is just branching into the US as we speak the company own the rights to the very unique design and defend it fiercely.  As the word of the amazing performance spreads for super seven, so will the distribution. Expect big things from this company.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Audi A8 2012

With the recent change of hands and VW buying the Audi name they have made it clear buy pricing the new A8 in the $140,000 range which mean Audi are making a target of competing with the famous Bentley line up. This is a bold move for VW and Audi to challenge such a well-known and respected name, but then again they are also going after Mercedes and getting closer each time. I think the 2009 A8 pushed them passed the 7 series so now Audi are focusing on the big boys. The looks of the car I feel are not as strong as the earlier model but still look real good as does the whole ‘A’ range. Audi have begun focusing on the technology to compete with rivals. Massaging seats that are ventilated, panorama sunroof, rear seat entertainment and Audi struck up a deal with Google earth to help give them a new Niche.  So not only is the car cheaper but also offers a few extra perks, and its not a small price difference at the Bentley Continental is priced at $180,000 and the equivalent top of the range S is $212,000 for just as much comfort. Audi have only become a powerhouse in the last 12 years and surely will continue to develop the reputation over the upcoming years, so Audi is certainly a name to keep watching for in the high-end luxury car market. The build quality of this car is impeccable; the comfort is great combined with the technology provided.  The handling from the A8 is still of the highest standard and been reported as a very fun and enjoyable car to drive fast or slow. For the money I personally don’t think there is a car to compete with the A8 within $15000 but they still have some ways before they can compete with the $200,000 club. 

Mercedes Benz 2012 S class

When it comes to technology the rule of thumb in the car world is look at what is on the new S class and you will see what is going to be on normal cars in about 10 years time.  The Mercedes is about $4000 more expensive than one of the challengers the 7 series just for the base model but I honestly feel like you are getting more with the S class. More comfort, better looks, a reputation, which is hard to match with that price tag. The build quality and expectations of this car is more in the price range of the Rolls and Maybach, which is four times more expensive. And when the price spread on this range is from $82,000-$212,000 you can see what kind of competition the car is dealing with. Mercedes S class is world renowned for transporting the most important people and there is a reason why. Not only is the build quality immaculate but also the comfort level is impeccable and the driving performance is impressive for a car of its size. Now the middle model car still has a 5.5 V8 pumping out 510hp and the models above are all harboring 6.0 V12’s producing over 600hp. So not only is the build quality great but the performance and handling is good enough for security services to use. The final aspect to this triple threat is the stunning styling. I personally think this is the best looking S class of all time with un-mistakable lines that makes the car look so slick and professional it stands out everywhere and just reams success and class. BMW have not come close to the S class for years but there is one car I think comes closest and its another German power house and the price difference is clear.

BMW 7 series 2012

There are a number of things that Germans are well known for. Being very strict on details, being on time, being very serious and making the best luxury cars. With such power houses coming from one country such as Audi and Mercedes Benz the competition is tough and this has a positive for us the customer. They constantly push the each other and the limits giving us the best possible cars. The 7 series is one of the more expensive cars you can buy on a BMW lot with the price tags coming into six figures depending on the engine and specifications you want on your new car. For this blog I decided to pick the middle of the range the 750i x Drive which starts at around $88,000. It has a 4.4 V8 with twin turbo powering the all-wheel drive system instead of the usual rear drive BMW are known for. It produces just over 400horses from the twin-turbo charged V8, which will do 20 highway miles to the gallon. So not the most economic car in the world but if you can afford to buy this type of a car, you can usually afford to stop at the gas station too. This should be a great car for travelling in great comfort as these cars are know for being as comfortable as the couch in front of the television, but this car is lacking in this department. The comfort of the 7 series is not as comfortable as its predecessors and competition. The driving position is not very good and actually the chairs really don’t feel too comfortable either, even when messing with the central command it’s hard to get comfortable. The central command center has been slightly updated to make it more user friendly and can pretty much control anything in the car; seats, windows, suspension, windscreen wipers, lights, radio, SAT navigation, temperature and he list goes on. Now BMW got rid of the run flat tires they had been using for many years you will no longer have to set the suspension up like a cruise ship rocking back and forth on the softer settings. 

NASCAR Special

Living in the south I learnt one thing quick and that is; NASCAR is big in the south. Reported to be the worlds biggest spectator sport I can believe it after living in North Carolina for the past 4 years. I think this motor sport is highly under-appreciated around the rest of the world and even in the US. From listening to friends, watching races and reading up about this type of racing its clear that its certainly not just guys with big engines driving in a circle cause they cant negotiate anything harder than a left turn. Which is a how many people view the sport. Actually compared to many other types of racing NASCAR sprint cup series mite be the purist racing series on this kind of level. Yes its plastered with sponsors, you can watch a race for 5seconds without seeing some kind of promotion but the racing is pure. No traction control, no supercharged or turbo charged engines here. No computer telling the driver tire temp, no way he can change aerodynamics whilst racing, he cant use a boost system for extra power when he needs it. The regulations are fairly simple without going into the nitty-gritty details. Bring a 5.8 liter, naturally aspirated engine ripping out 650-700 (hp) horses on a simple 4 speed manual gear box, get some slick tires and a roll cage… and you are set to go racing. It has been his simple since the sport became official in the late 1940’s. Of course the sport has developed and aerodynamics has become a factor as you can modify the cars set-up before hitting the regulations. Example the simple side spoiler placed down one side of the roof to help torn combined with the inside tire pressures being different to the outside to help pull the car around the corner. A front splitter to keep the car glued to the road for traction as the drivers go around corners in speeds of up to 200mph. Then the cost itself for racing is not cheap but compared to other premier race series NASCAR is cheap. Team owner Kenny Wallace says the cheapest he can race for on a weekend in $100,000 including travel, tires, mechanics, car, expenses and the list goes on. When the cheapest you can race is $100k then the reason for all the advertising comes clear.  He estimates it costs roughly 5.5-6.5million a season which sounds expensive but again this is all still simple and easy compared to say F1 who don’t release exact figures but the top teams are estimated to be spending $400 million a season and the lowest budget teams are still spending $140 million a season.  That’s a massive difference but two very different styles of racing too.  The talent level in NASCAR is not too far behind the F1’s and Touring cars with highest budgets. NASCAR is a legit motorsport that I think does not get the full credit it deserves, as they stay loyal to its routes and fundamentals of racing. It’s a raw engine with a few miles of open track and nothing between the driver and the engine to reduce the experience.

I do not own the rights to this picture, or claim to.

BMW Mini Cooper S

The mini cooper is what I call a hairdressers car. It is very female focused. It has soft goo-goo eyes headlights, a very fashionable and different style of head-up display as the speedo and car information all come from the big circular display sits high on top of the dashboard, rite in the middle. From the small looks outside you would not realize how much space is a actually in these little cars and a 6’6 athlete like me has plenty of space in the front. The mini offers plenty of air space which possibly adds to the feel of size, but I would not be seen driving a mini….unless it was an “S” mini. This model of mini is a little more male friendly as BMW made the image of the car different to the basic cars with much more aggressive styling on the body work, wheels, sound, and performance. They tweaked with the 1.6 engine which now pushes out 172 bhp from a car me and two friends could pick up. 0-60 in 7.8 is not blistering but certainly is a fun nippy little drive as the car is so nippy as you bang through the 6-speed manual gear box. It feels like you are going faster than you are, whilst supplying you with a lot of grip. This car is not all fun and games as the figures for day to day life is impressive with 34mpg so less stopping and more going but you don’t buy a mini S for economy. You can almost design your own car as the number options for colors, stripes, no stripes, fog lights,, roof patterns, soft-tops and the list goes on so with the mini you can really create a unique car to you from the show room. The Mini Copper S is a unique car with unique appeals and has its own little Niche.

Nissan Sentra 2010

This Nissan Sentra is a great little car for all demographics you can think of, and the reviews given by owners and automotive journalists. I have driven this car from North Carolina to Pennsylvania twice, Myrtle Beach and all over Florida and not had a single issue with the car. The 14.5 gallon fuel tank has a range of 391 miles which means a lot fewer stop a the gas pump, and less spending. The Sentra has good responsive handling and you can feel what the car is really doing in all kinds of weather. The interior is simple and user friendly with a very clear and tasteful look. No matter how far you are driving, you will find plenty of space for you and your guests to spread out and arrive in comfort unless…you are 6’5+ I would not suggests sitting in the back with the slanted roof, rubbing your head will drive you man. This is a common problem in many cars so its not a specific issue the small sedan has by itself. The body styling is very neutral on the base model so anybody can drive and its looks good. The little 2.0 engine is not a monster but it gives you enough power to over take when you need and does not overload you with power at any point for those young or inexperienced drivers. A great little car and a solid purchase for any buy looking for a small four-door sedan.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Renault Megane 2.0 T 16V Renaultsport 250

In my previous blog I talked about the Golf GTI and its attempt to return to what it once was, and this is the reason it’s struggling. This is in my opinion the much better car. It beats the GTI in all most every category. It looks slicker and much more aggressive with the suttel shaping in the hood, the body kit gives it a much lower appearance, which infect it is true. The Golf stands at 57.8inchs high compared to the 56.4inchs of the Megane. The Renault also manages to produces 250hp from the 2.0 turbo charged engine and going 0-60 in a blistering 5.8 seconds… a whole second faster than the GTI. The interior design on this French car is maybe the best they have produced in a while but living up to the reputation that comes before it, the quality may not be what you expect, with a few too many plastic components. This is the one area the Golf does win for interior design and build quality, the reanault looks like they came to the interior and did it half assed and tried to save weight and money the quickest way which really lets the car down from taking the new hatchback crown. Performance on the track the two cars have not been compared but from the figures we do know, a solid guess would be that the megane would win that battle too with more horsepower and its new racing blood lines. Reanault not only have Formula 1 teams now but the megane series are competing in races every weekend all around the United Kingdom and Europe. Its just a shame about the lack of caring that went into the interior.

VW Golf GTI 2000 vs VW Golf GTI 2012

The golf GTI is famously known as a fun, light sports car that has always performed both on the track and in the real world. Take the kids to school before blasting to work; the Golf could do it all. The car has changed over the years since its first appearance on the streets in 74’ but the idea is still the same; small, lightweight, cheap and lots of power. This idea basic plan for the car became lost for a while. In 2000 the golf GTI was considered a good car but not up to the typical GTI expectations. Many journalists complained it was too heavy and had lost the power that made the name what it was. Ever since VW have slowly been bringing the GTI back to its glory days and this challenge was made harder as more and more competition came from Audi, Renault, Citroen and others. So how have things changed since 2000 to now? Both 2000 and 2012 models do 31mpg and live by a 2.0 engine so not much has changed… except the power out put is now up from 115bhp all the way to 200hp. The 0-60 time has gone down from 7.6 to 6.8, and this is partly because the power to weight ratio has been restored. Understandably with more electronics and safety regulations the golf is almost twice as heavy as the earlier models in the 80’s but VW managed to drop some fat, without losing that quality German interior expected from VW. The new design is much bolder than the 2000 model with slightly more love it or hate it styling. They recreated the shape and look whilst keeping the hatchback shape. Adapting to the time and generation they opted to put 18inch low profile wheels on the new GTI that supports the size of the car but the current fashion of bigger tire’s.
The new golf is certainly standing prouder again but does not have that stand alone “Best” title it once had. Stiff competition is all around it and The Golf GTI may never get that name back.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

ABARTH Fiat 500 1.4 16V

This car starts out as small, civilized car for girls really. It’s a cute little car with a gentle engine that is good for the environment and chances of you reaching dangerous speeds would take a good amount of time to reach those kinds of speeds. This is until Fiat decided to send the loveable Labrador puppy over the crazy Italian tuning company Abarth. Stiffened the suspension for handling, changed the body kit for a more aggressive look, changed the gear box for sharper shifts, tightened the frame and dropped a turbo in to make this puppy a snarling jack Russell.  Many car journalists have complimented this car as a great little drive with lots of fun so clearly the modifications worked but did it lose part of its original appeal to small cars like this? And the answer is no. It still has the Fiat badge so the price tag has stayed low and affordable at $22,000. The mileage has not really changed either as this turbo charged puppy still runs up to 52mpg so don’t expect to stop at the gas station too many times, and last but not least it’s still a safe little drive. Abarth kept the 1.4 engine so it’s not quick by mustang standards but is certainly a nippy little thing and combined with the front wheel drive set-up the car is at no risk of really losing control at any point. Fiat managed to bread a little fire into the small 500 range and did it successfully.