Saturday, April 21, 2012

VW Golf GTI 2000 vs VW Golf GTI 2012

The golf GTI is famously known as a fun, light sports car that has always performed both on the track and in the real world. Take the kids to school before blasting to work; the Golf could do it all. The car has changed over the years since its first appearance on the streets in 74’ but the idea is still the same; small, lightweight, cheap and lots of power. This idea basic plan for the car became lost for a while. In 2000 the golf GTI was considered a good car but not up to the typical GTI expectations. Many journalists complained it was too heavy and had lost the power that made the name what it was. Ever since VW have slowly been bringing the GTI back to its glory days and this challenge was made harder as more and more competition came from Audi, Renault, Citroen and others. So how have things changed since 2000 to now? Both 2000 and 2012 models do 31mpg and live by a 2.0 engine so not much has changed… except the power out put is now up from 115bhp all the way to 200hp. The 0-60 time has gone down from 7.6 to 6.8, and this is partly because the power to weight ratio has been restored. Understandably with more electronics and safety regulations the golf is almost twice as heavy as the earlier models in the 80’s but VW managed to drop some fat, without losing that quality German interior expected from VW. The new design is much bolder than the 2000 model with slightly more love it or hate it styling. They recreated the shape and look whilst keeping the hatchback shape. Adapting to the time and generation they opted to put 18inch low profile wheels on the new GTI that supports the size of the car but the current fashion of bigger tire’s.
The new golf is certainly standing prouder again but does not have that stand alone “Best” title it once had. Stiff competition is all around it and The Golf GTI may never get that name back.

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