Thursday, April 12, 2012

Porsche 911 TURBO Turbo GEN

This is what you imagine when you think of Porsche.  That famous 911 shape with a bulky behind as the 911 mechanics refuse to move the engine from the rear to the front. This is one of the cars in the Porsche range that can compete with the Ferrari’s for raw speed. Porsche went up from the 3.6 engine to the 3.8 and a slightly bigger turbo that gives an extra 20bhp on top of the old turbo mean this Porsche is now a 3.8, 500bhp turbo charged cannon, but the turbo is even more special that just power. The turbo is all about low emissions and does so very effectively, according to Porsche who took the car over the LA for some testing. They discovered that when driving in down town LA the air that comes out of the exhausts at the end is cleaner than the air that first enters the engine. Not only has Porsche improved the incredible performance of this car which famously can accelerate from 40mph to 60mph in 1.0 second dead, but it does it whilst cleaning the environment in the dirtiest cities. So no surprise this car lives up to the normal high price tag being sold at $140,000 without any extra added. A great looking car but a more impressive piece of engineering.  

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