Thursday, April 26, 2012

Caterham Super seven

Catherham is a small British car company that specialize in a service call “KIT” cars. To make it simple you can either buy the car as parts and enjoy building the car yourself or buy the car fully assembled ready to go. The company was created by Collin Chapman in the 50’s and his business is stronger than ever. The raw performance of this lightweight car is almost impossible to match for the money. The power to weight ratio is almost 500hp per ton as the super seven only weights in at 531kg which to men could pick up with relative ease. Combined with the 2.0 liter engine producing 263 horses the super seven will fire you from 0-60 in just 2.8 seconds. That’s super bike territory. The top speed is only 150mph but the super seven is more about high speed cornering and acceleration as the standard sticky slick tires portray. The main reason people are buying these cars is for two reasons; one is a track day car. They pay $300 at a race track and can put the car through its paces until the sun goes down. The second option is to go for a fun Sunday drive to enjoy the weather and a wonderful piece of engineering. This is not an everyday car so driving it to work everyday is most likely not going to be the most efficient thing but parking it in the company parking would certainly get some attention from time to time. It may only be a small company that is just branching into the US as we speak the company own the rights to the very unique design and defend it fiercely.  As the word of the amazing performance spreads for super seven, so will the distribution. Expect big things from this company.

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