Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Aston Martin Vanquish

The Vanquish is the big brother to the DB9 and every aspect of its designs shouts “I am the daddy”. Massive pipes coming out the back raw like the king of the jungle when the V12 sings its very loud melody. Lickings of chrome help give this car the personality of being the big brother or the godfather himself as the Vanquish is by no means a small car. I just love the smoothness of the big bold shapes found all around this car, and I know the vanquish is not as fast as some people would like, or expect it to be but for me that does not matter. The Vanquish is all about presence and dominating its surroundings and it does it so well. If you looked down a list of cars that movie stars, athletes, TV personalities, musicians, racing drivers and more... you would see many of these people own or have owned a Vanquish because its reputation spread. Not only is it a great car but it says a lot about its owners. It is not a light weight, plastic sports car but a hand built metal machine with style and character. The V12 is producing 520 loud and proud horses that take the car from 0-60 in 4.6 seconds and on to 200 given the chance. Now the only thing not great about the vanquish is the flappy paddle gear box which is great until it comes to parking and manoeuvring from Reverse to first, but that is a small frustration for all the fun attention this stunning car will bring your way. If you don’t like attention and people taking pictures then the Vanquish is not for you because its presence will always bring a crowd.

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